Teaching about Women in Global History...
The history you know is missing half the story. Here are materials you can use to teach about women in your classroom with rigor, integrity and coherence.
Teaching Resources (primary sources, Unit Plan, scholarly literature (for teachers) and age-appropriate readings.
Introduction: Women, gender, power and history
Reading (for students & Teachers)
Intro activity
Unit Overview
Origins of Humanity
Classical Civilizations
1186, The Rhineland– Building local ties
1456, Southern England– Doing business
1615, Florence – Telling the truth
1699, Beauvais – Negotiating prices
1789, Paris – Holding leaders accountable
1796, St. Petersburg – Ruling
1848, London & Evanston, North Carolina – Becoming citizens
1872, Manchester– Choosing a husband
1917, St. Petersburg – Fighting wars
1924, New York City – Planning pregnancy
1961, San Francisco – Choosing & Refusing Sex
1979, Tehran – Resisting globalization
2020, Washington, DC – Keeping the peace