We compensate teachers for all the work they do for us.
Many teachers find themselves giving workshops and sharing their expertise without getting compensated. While we at TaW recognize the generosity of spirit that drives this trend, we believe that it providing unpaid labor is ultimately detrimental to teachers and to the profession itself. Doing so feeds into the larger trend of paying teachers less and less while demanding more and more. Unfortunately, in a capitalist system, that which is priceless is often perceived as having no value, meaning it requires no time or energy, which any teacher will tell you is just not the case!
We pay teachers equally for doing the same work.
As a rule, we pay all the teachers involved in a given project are compensated equally regardless of experience, background, identity or anything else. We believe this goes a long way to reducing implicit biases in compensation and eliminates any possibility of a discriminatory pay gap.
We tell everyone how much we are paying.
We believe in and practice transparency. We inform teachers in advance of how much they will be compensated and discuss the terms openly. We always provide individual teachers with an option to discuss compensation privately.
How much were teachers paid for the 2021 Gender Equity Institute?
Everyone involved (listed below) was compensated with a base fo $300. We will then pool revenue from ticket sales and donations and divide it equally. Once the total figure is available, we will add it here.
- Linda van Kesteren
- Mookie Kideckel
- Benjamin Joffe
- Kemeyawi Q. Wahpepah
- Samantha Sherman
- Shelley Murray (curriculum design and technical support)
- Georgina Emerson (program coordinator)